Bios, Firmwares, Dumps de memórias eeprom, NAND - EMMC - SPI - FLASH DUMPS => FIRMWARES - EEPROM - NAND - EMMC - SPI - FLASH DUMPS BIOS TV, LCD, LED, Plasma => TOSHIBA => Tópico iniciado por: Xeontec em Julho 04, 2021, 07:49:24 pm
Toshiba 49L5660EA firmware update software atualização USB
Painel display LCD: ?????????????
Firmware upgrade
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Hello our dear admin, this link is not working, could you please fix? :ah:
If this will take a long time could you please give me a direct link for download? I need this ASAP, client will not wait more then several hours :ah:
Hello our dear admin, this link is not working, could you please fix? :ah:
If this will take a long time could you please give me a direct link for download? I need this ASAP, client will not wait more then several hours :ah:
File updated from backup system.
Please try download now.
Thanks and best regards!
Thanks will try this out. Do you have any recommendations considering this worst TV platform in the world - Vestel ? I know they are very problematic, and I never had a success with repairing any Vestel.
I have 5.93V on USB instead of 5V.
Fixed that, now it's 5.14V, changed FB resistors, 4.7k has 27k resistance.
Sir How do I run this update? What combination should I press in order to run this?
You need to format a pendrive and place the files directly on the root of the pendrive (do not place them in a folder or in compressed format).
Then place the pendrive in the TV and turn on the TV while pressing the OK button on the remote control for 10 seconds. The TV's standby LED should flash for a few minutes during the update (but I don't think anything appears on the display).
After finishing the update, the TV will show the installation menu.