Autor Tópico: Marca BEKO  (Lida 3942 vezes)


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Marca BEKO
« em: Julho 31, 2008, 09:30:52 pm »
BEKO   CTV Service Mode
Pressione ao mesmo tempo P+ e P- no painel do televisor e ligue-o.

Service Mode Service
Mode adjustments:
1-White balance Adjustment- Switch on TV over mains while pressing up/down buttons on control unit.
2-Push balance on remote.
3-push colour button 

Service Mode Press the {MENU} button on the remote. Then press the {9} {3} {0} {1} buttons on the remote. The Service Menu will be displayed. Use the {PRG +} {PRG -} buttons to select options. Use the {VOL+} {VOL -} buttons to change settings. To exit, press the {TV/TXT} button

BEKO 12.6 12.6 TV
Service Mode Com o comando de Service: Carregar no botão 'Service In/Out' Com o comando da tv: Colocar no menu de control da imagem e digitar 8500. Botões do teletexto: Vermelho, Verde e Azul dão acesso ao Feature Setup,Geometry, White balance e AFC respectivamente.Para ajustar teclas: Vol+/-. Para sair tecla '0'.

BEKO 12.5 TV
Service Mode Take any old Philips remote control that has a separate "CONTRAST-" button. This button will work as SERVICE-IN and SERVICE-OUT. Alternatively take any universal remote control and program it for a Philips TV. Use CONTRAST- button as above. If you have TopTel or Meliconi universal remote control. Enter Philips code 317 and the SERVICE-IN/OUT button is subcode 238. Alternatively take original Beko user's remote control apart and fit a tactile switch to pins 10 and 17. This tactile switch will work as SERVICE-IN/OUT. Once in the service mode: press the RED button for options menu; press GREEN for geometry adjustments; press YELLOW for RGB adjustments; press BLUE for AFT adjustments;