Autor Tópico: Why can't I download files from the forum?  (Lida 17471 vezes)


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Why can't I download files from the forum?
« em: Junho 11, 2022, 02:05:35 pm »
The tecnicenter is intended only for professionals in the field of electronics, computing and technology.
To limit access and achieve sustainability, the administration of this forum had the need to create a club with conditioned access only to donors.
The technical content we make available takes up a lot of space and consumes a lot of resources. We have 3 different servers with high monthly costs. The only way we found to keep Tecnicenter online was to implement paid subscriptions. You can see more details in this topic.

We created VIP access and PREMIUM access with very affordable values ??for technicians in this community. With a subscription cost, we are removing those who do not work as an electronics professional. Technicians who consider the information exposed to be useful can consider the subscription to access the club as an investment in a work tool.

We understand that many users are not willing to pay to have access to the club and we also ask that you understand our position.

If you want to be part of the club, I recommend that you see the Difference between VIP user and PREMIUM user here
Then Choose the subscription type and term you want here: Choose subscription type and see prices.