Autor Tópico: Important Notice for users of the new Tecnicenter  (Lida 7069 vezes)


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Important Notice for users of the new Tecnicenter
« em: Junho 11, 2022, 12:40:29 pm »
Dear users and friends of the Tecnicenter community.
I come today to inform you that is going through a very complicated stage, which has come to jeopardize its continued existence.
This community has existed since 2008, having been founded by 4 people, but over time and for different reasons, only one of its founders survived. For 12 years thousands of users were present and I had the help of other administrators and moderators.

The heyday of the forums passed and this community was little by little losing dynamism, users became less participative, the reality is that the overwhelming majority started to come to Tecnicenter only when they need to collect technical information and they contribute little to the community.

I recently considered closing this site, since maintaining a community like Tecnicenter online entails huge expenses that the advertising displayed on the site no longer covers, and I am paying out of my own pocket.

In conversation with two technical friends here on the forum, they offered to help keep this project active and suggested the idea of, instead of closing the site, making the community closed to the general public and focusing on people who work in the field of electronics, for which the tecnicenter serves as a work tool in their daily lives.

In fact, the opening of technical information to the general public is not positive for those who work in technical assistance.
Many sites such as Tecnicenter, which provide open and free access to technical information and repair tips, are harming those who work in the repair business, because they are making it easier for the user to carry out the repair himself, no longer being the technician to do the work and receive the corresponding remuneration for their work.

In this sense, at tecnicenter we are making changes that aim to achieve the following objectives:
1- Limit the information we provide only to professionals working in the electronics field.
2- Present the information in a clear and classified way, so that it is easy to find and manage.
3- Add more diversified information that can serve as a work tool for technicians.
3- Increase the amount of information and try to keep it updated daily. Also organize and add boards to the forum in order to improve.
4- Create hidden areas in the forum to the general public, giving access only to authorized users.
5- Preserve server resources giving access to downloads only to professional users who use the community.
6- An improvement in the Tecnicenter's storage is planned soon, which will further increase the capacity to store technical files.
7- Reduce or even eliminate the advertising present on the site, this facilitates the navigation of users and speeds up the operation and loading.

In order to protect electronics technicians, electricians, IT professionals and other professionals in the sector, we are gradually reducing access to technical information present in this community, and it is important to point out that it has always been our goal that Tecnicenter be a technical community, it has never been ours. intended to be a place where the general public is taught how to do the work of professionals.

However, in order to maintain the online community, we need the collaboration of those who want to have free access to the entire forum, requiring users to make a donation to help cover expenses incurred by the site.

The donation is only required from those who want to have access to all the content of the site and be able to make downloads, giving users who make the donation to have the status of PREMIUM user for 1 year and directly have access to download the files, view hidden areas of the forum and view hidden texts, for example in the area of ??tips and fixed faults.

I understand that there are users who do not see this situation with good eyes, there are users who would like to have the forum completely open and be able to come here to collect information or material without limitations and without contributing anything, but that is no longer possible.

Anyone who is a professional in the electronics field and who uses Tecnicenter as a help or work tool for the information provided, will understand that making the required donation is actually a small investment to have access to a useful tool for their work.

Our commitment at Tecnicenter is to substantially increase the amount of information stored, improve the quality of information, classify information in order to be organized and easy to access, as well as seek to maintain a stable evolution that helps users to carry out their work. .

We are also updating the forum terms and rules with appropriate changes.

If you want to donate and become a PREMIUM user, giving me access to downloads and hidden areas of the forum, send me a PM.