Autor Tópico: Difference between VIP user and PREMIUM user  (Lida 7716 vezes)


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Difference between VIP user and PREMIUM user
« em: Junho 11, 2022, 01:45:20 pm »
There are currently 3 different types of users on the Tecnicenter forum. Normal users, VIP users and Premium users.
Some users have doubts about the difference between the 3 types of user, so I created this topic to explain the features available for each type of user.
1 - Normal users: They can create topics and reply, they have access to several parts of the forum, but not to all sections. They cannot download files or view the hidden information intended for premium users only.

2- VIP Users: They can create topics and reply, they have access to various parts of the forum, but they do not have access to the premium zone, nor can they see the hidden information intended for premium users only. They can download 10 files from the forum per day, but they do not have access to downloads from the premium servers.

3 - PREMIUM users: Can create topics and reply, have access to various parts of the forum, including the premium section. Has access to view hidden premium information. They can download 15 files from the forum per day and also 15 files from the premium servers per day. By subscribing to a premium account you will receive the login details of the premium servers.

Basically these are the differences between the 3 types of Tecnicenter users.
The Tecnicenter forum has been around since 2008, but there have been many changes to the way it works in recent years. Here you can see more details about these changes and what were the reasons:'httpswww-tecnicenter-orguk-png'-border'0'-united-kingdom-and-other-english-language-countries/important-notice-for-users-of-the-new-tecnicenter/
Any questions or additional clarification, you can contact me by private message.