Ok, it's gonna be even more interesting now. As I say, after soldering I have the same 20W stuck, and this time when I pur resistor for backlight the 1/4 scrren is over, I had exactly nothing. Then I made heating to 300 C with Preheating 110 C. And - the same, and the same logs.
I let it to be turned on 3 hours - nohing happened, After 4 hours I see that TV has been turned on, waiting for me, and get into standby mode with red indicator) And we also have logs after soldering and heating CPU:
Video HW Init▒"-----vDrvHDTVADCDefaultSetting ---▒
vApiVideoInit▒ Enable Init▒====setmute==1==▒
vInitUIVar▒Wait Risc Ready▒Risc ok▒==== Reset ====▒$vPollingPowerKeyLoop----------------▒+==>>UI_bApiEepromReadByte(EEP_POWER_STATUS)▒UUU▒==>>fgApiEepromCheckMagic▒UUU▒
Rs232 Init▒ Dram Init▒
DMPLL Setting▒▒ SYSPLL Init▒DDR_D▒499.5▒
DMPLL PreDiv▒UUUDMPLL_FB▒UUU▒DMPLL VCO Band▒UUU▒DMPLL PostDiv(0 div 2; 1 div 1)▒UUU▒MEMPLL Setting▒ MEMPLL FB▒UUU▒MEMPLL FS Band▒UUU▒MEMPLL VCO Band▒UUU▒DMPLL Frequency=▒y▒MEMPLL Frequency=▒▒before testing dram▒Dram Test Pass▒exit setdramtype▒IR Init▒FP Init▒
AUDCODEC Init▒DSP ShareInfo Init▒ AUDCFG Init▒
OSD HW Init▒
Enable RISC▒Wait▒▒▒▒▒\▒▒0f▒vApiEepromInit▒the main init..▒
Video HW Init▒"-----vDrvHDTVADCDefaultSetting ---▒
vApiVideoInit▒ Enable Init▒====setmute==1==▒
Chg to UI_RUN▒OsdInitVBI InitTTX InitWSS Init▒okANAS Init▒vAttachService Finished▒ vMainLoop▒vPowerOnLogoShow▒
bMode's value▒UUU▒2222222▒UUU▒111111111111111▒UUU▒ =>>bTiming ▒UUUP▒
Video Ready▒$vPollingPowerKeyLoop----------------▒+==>>UI_bApiEepromReadByte(EEP_POWER_STATUS)▒UUU▒==>>fgApiEepromCheckMagic▒UUU▒Enter Standby Mode▒*===loop 1==_MTK_SZ_HIS_PINGBI_KEY_INPUT===▒,
I also have tried before log, tu turn it on by pressing on CPU in differnet ways, tryed about 30 times by pressing in different points and see no changes. I also tried to push on MB and PSU different points, I also looked under PSU PCB very close, even measured 5 blue capacitors esr by desoldering them, and all aluminium caps on PSU - nothing!
Becouse I tried to turn it on - result is the same as we had yesterday, before soldering. The only difference - today I didn't see any picture on TV, because when it was on - I missed that time. Now, I cleared logs and letting him untill tommorow (but this time without Resistor for baklight).
What do you think sir, should I try tommorow this: heating CPU to 70 C by hot air then trying to turn it on? Or something else?